A Familiar Face

Hey Everybody,
Some time ago, Bonnie and I were invited to the home of one of her coworkers for a social gathering. Bonnie and I both tend towards the introverted side of the social spectrum. Still, we decided to be more social and put ourselves out there. I put the address in my phone, and we headed off. We were led into a neighborhood I had never been in, and the GPS seemed to get turned around. Have you ever had that happen? It was trying to get us to the right house, but I wasn’t confident it was correct. The best I could tell, we’d arrived, so Bonnie and I made our way to the door and rang the doorbell. Immediately, we heard a dog barking, but we didn’t hear anyone moving about. It certainly didn’t appear that there was a gathering taking place here. There were no other cars. I checked my phone. We weren’t early. 
I rang the bell again. More dog barking. Then I heard movement. Someone opened the door and looked at us, and…we were at the wrong house. We told them where we thought we were, and they told us where we actually were. When you’re an introvert and try to be social, something like this reminds you why you are an introvert. I was embarrassed. We went back to the car and tried again. Eventually, we found the right house and enjoyed an evening with some new friends.
Going to a stranger’s house for the first time can be unnerving. Believers is currently promoting our Fall Semester of BeGroups. Our BeGroups are small groups of people who meet once a week to read the Bible, pray together, and form a sense of community. It’s an important part of developing one’s faith. Most of these groups will start the first week of October, making NOW the optimum time to sign up for one. You won’t be walking into the middle of something, you will be starting a semester with everyone else. Most of these groups meet in people’s homes throughout the community. It’s easy to sign up for one. You can go to the “Belong” tab in the Believers Church app and browse groups or find a group here, on our website. 
But if you’re like me, signing up for the group is the easy part. Once you sign up, you must have the courage to show up. And as I’ve already stated, showing up can be really intimidating. That’s why I want to invite you to a Believers BeGroup Meet and Greet.  We will have refreshments available in the Nansemond Room between services THIS Sunday, the 22nd, and NEXT Sunday the 29th. In addition to refreshments, many of our BeGroup leaders will be on hand so you can meet the person leading your group BEFORE you show up at their house for the first time. This personal connection can ease any apprehensions you may have. For me, having a familiar face to look for that first night makes the whole experience better.
I hope you will join me THIS Sunday as we continue our Less is More Series. This week we will be learning how to have less hurry and experience more rest. It’s not just a service, but a powerful opportunity for us to learn and grow together. Invite someone to come and sit with you at either our 9 or 10:45 service.
Pastor Jamey