Less Is More

Hey Everybody,
Recently, Bonnie and I had a fine dining experience made possible through the generosity of our group. They had blessed us with a gift card last October, and we finally got around to using it. When we were seated, our server handed us a relatively small card containing this restaurant’s entire offering, which included about 5 appetizers, 4 entrees, and 4 desserts. Compared to other restaurants I’ve been to, which have menus as thick as encyclopedias with hundreds of offerings, it’s quite a contrast. It’s not always the case, but the more excellent the restaurant, the smaller the menu. Why is that? By focusing on just a few dishes, the chef can perfect their preparation, ensuring that guests have the best culinary experience every time.
You could say that in a restaurant, less is more. Sometimes, less food is more expensive in those kinds of restaurants, too, but offering fewer options allows for greater quality.
I’ve had similar experiences with people. I know some relatively quiet people, but when they speak, what they say carries so much depth, wisdom, and impact. I pay attention when they speak because I know that even though they don’t speak much, they have much to offer. With our words, less can be more.
This Sunday, we are starting a new series titled “Less is More.” The title comes from a verse in John’s Gospel, the third chapter. The ministry of John the Baptist was in decline. He used to have thousands of people coming to hear him proclaim the coming of the Messiah and to watch as he baptized people who were repenting from their sins, but now, the crowds had dwindled to just a trickle. It was for good reason, though; the Messiah that He had predicted had arrived! Jesus was now on the scene, and people were shifting their attention from John to Him. When some of John’s disciples came to him to complain about what was happening, John replied: 
He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. John 3:30 
Less me…more of Jesus! Less is more. If Jesus is going to take up more place in my heart, mind, and life, then I need to give him some space to do that, which means I need to scale back! 
In this series, we will give you very practical tools to resist ego, busyness, consumerism, and even worry so that you can make more room for humility, rest, generosity, and peace—less of me and more of Jesus.
We will also be celebrating communion together as a church family this week. I always enjoy this time together. Make plans to be here and invite a friend to sit with you. They will be so glad you invited them!
Pastor Jamey