The Final Frenzied Days

Hey everybody,

It seems not everyone around the country has caught our series “Divided We Stand,” where we’ve been encouraging followers of Jesus to lift their eyes above partisan politics and focus on King Jesus. With just days before the election, my news feed is filled with panic and hysteria on all sides. Here’s a sample of what’s out there:

“Ballot Box Fires Across USA Spark Alarm”

“Lawn-Sign Wars: Voters Use Trackers, Cameras to Deter Political Theft”

“Supreme Court Docket Heats Up with Election Disputes”

“Congress Gripped by Fears of Post-Election Violence”

If everyone who calls Jesus their King would follow His example, I believe the headlines would look a lot different! Christians know we can disagree without being disrespectful or divisive, and we can bring a healthier tone to the conversation.

I came across a message from Pastor Andy Stanley the other day and thought, Hey, I’ve been saying similar things…but maybe he says it even better. So, for this week’s Outlet, I’m sharing his video. It’s just eight and a half minutes long, and if it helps you or encourages you to follow Jesus a little more closely, I think it’ll be well worth your time. Feel free to share it if it resonates with you and helps remind others that, especially in times like these, there’s a better way forward.

Watch Pastor Andy's message here.

I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we continue our “Divided We Stand” series. It’s going to be a GREAT Sunday at Believers, plus we’ve got Fall Fest in the afternoon!

Pastor Jamey