Time Flies

Hey Everybody,
Earlier this week, Oak & Lily Academy, the preschool that shares Believers' mission to reach our community with the message of Jesus, held its graduation ceremony. One of our staff members has a child who graduated and will be starting Kindergarten next year. It made me think of my kids and how quickly that time seemed to fly by. But I also remember when they first started preschool. When we dropped them off for that first day of school, graduation from high school seemed like an eternity away. As we went through the years of taking our kids to school, helping with homework and projects, and stressing over challenging classes and situations, it seemed to go on forever. Each year brought its own celebrations and difficulties. 
I also remember when each of them graduated from high school. It seemed impossible that their school years at home were done, and they would soon be off to college. Where did the time go? It all seemed to pass by so quickly.
That's how time goes, isn't it? Sometimes, time drags along so slowly that it barely feels like you are moving. Yet it goes so fast in other seasons you can barely keep up! 
I was struck anew by this dichotomy as I reflected on this week's Bible reading, which is part of our church-wide reading plan called "A Year with Jesus" (you can find the reading plan in the Believers Church App). Part of our reading this week was from Matthew 24, where Jesus talks about future events, mainly when He will come back and "gather his chosen ones from all over the world…" Matthew 24:31
Before getting to the part where Jesus says He will come back and gather all of us to Himself, He talks about all the hardships and trials we must endure. It made me think of the whole school thing with my kids. The challenge of each assignment, social interaction, teacher conference, heartbreak, award, and grade completed… all led to one event. Graduation. It was easy to lose sight of the "long view" of what we were doing and where we were headed. 
The same thing happens in life. Each day is filled with challenges, including financial, relational, health, work, etc. As we grind through our days, we can forget that they are all leading somewhere. Eventually, we end up with Jesus, or as our reading reminds us…eventually, He comes to gather us to Himself. Everything in this life and all that is happening leads to the culmination of the plan that our Father has put in motion. I know it doesn't seem very easy right now. I know that time seems like it's dragging. But soon, very soon, we will be with Him and look back and realize just how short time was.
In light of this, let me encourage you with a couple of thoughts. First, whatever you are facing right now, as hard as it is, as slow a grind that you feel you are in, it won't last forever. The time is coming when it will end, the season will change, and when it does, your perspective will shift. The difficult season will be what the Apostle Paul called "light and momentary" in his letter to the church at Corinth. 
"For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 18 So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Secondly, in light of how fast time is moving, leverage each moment. Invest in those things that make life richer and better. Spend less time "passing the time" and more time investing it. What relationships need your attention? Invest there. Spend time with your parents, your kids, your friends. Also, who do you know that needs to prepare for that day when Jesus returns? Invest in those relationships! Spend time with them. Invest in them. Invite them to come and sit with you in church this Sunday. Have them to dinner and talk about things that will matter forever.
If you are in a season when your children are graduating from preschool or high school…enjoy the moments! Know that I'm praying for you. 
I hope you will join me this Sunday for the conclusion of our "Family Issues" series. We will be hosting a Q&R to respond to the questions that you sent. It will be a super fun and practical message that will give you and your family some of the tools you need to thrive!
Pastor Jamey